Produse pentru saci de sac (236)

Saci de hârtie cu 2-5 straturi și mânere rezistente

Saci de hârtie cu 2-5 straturi și mânere rezistente

Format cu bază dreptunghiulară pentru ambalarea a 3, 5, 10 Kg si termosudare. - Aplicabilitate: utilizat la ambalarea făinii, hranei pentru animale, așternut igienic pentru pisici și produse chimice. Acestea pot fi prevăzute sau nu cu mânere și cu un strat termosigibil 100% BIO la interior. Producție: automatizata, din 2-5 straturi de hârtie sau alte materiale cu aplicare controlată a adezivilor ecologici pe bază de apă, extrem de rezistenți. Personalizare: Sacii se pot imprima la cel mai înalt nivel de calitate în până la 10 culori liniare și/sau policrome, inclusiv cele speciale: auriu, argintiu metalic cu cerneala ecologică pe bază de apă. Rezoluția de imprimare poate ajunge cu ușurință la 300 dpi. Material: hârtie virgina alba sau kraft natur, sau cu un anumit procent de fibre reciclate, diverse grosimi (150-200 GSM), certificate FSC, ISO9001, ISO14001. Dimensiuni: Producem „cele mai vândute” dimensiuni atât pe piețele UE, cât și pe cele din SUA: 230 x 100 x 450 mm (5 kg) și 260 x 150 x 550 mm (10 kg). Capacitate de producție: peste 100 milioane buc/an.
Sacoșe ventilate pentru produse proaspete - Destinate pentru ambalarea cartofilor, cepei, fructelor care necesită aerisire.

Sacoșe ventilate pentru produse proaspete - Destinate pentru ambalarea cartofilor, cepei, fructelor care necesită aerisire.

Aplicabilitate: Destinat pentru ambalarea cartofilor, cepei, fructelor care necesita aerisire. Producție: Fabricat 100% automat din materii prime durabile. Personalizare: cel mai inalt nivel de calitate in pana la 10 culori si/sau policromi, inclusiv cele speciale: auriu, argintiu metalic cu cerneală ecologică pe bază de apă. Rezoluția de imprimare poate ajunge cu ușurință la 300 dpi. Opțiuni: fereastră de vizualizare a produsului cu o formă personalizată, poate fi sigilată cu folie PLA Biodegradabilă pentru a permite ambalarea produselor care necesită o atmosferă controlată, de exemplu biscuiți. Pot avea și mânere pentru un transport ușor. Material: hârtie specială impermeabilă cu fante de ventilație. Hârtie kraft albă sau natur, diferite grosimi (80-120 GSM), certificata FSC, EarthCare, ISO9001, ISO14001. Cele mai frecvente dimensiuni: 230 x 100 x 300 mm, 230 x 100 x 440 și 260 x 160 x 550 mm. Capacitate de producție: peste 75 de milioane de bucăți anual.
Producător de saci de transport pentru monede - Producător de saci de transport reutilizabili pentru monede

Producător de saci de transport pentru monede - Producător de saci de transport reutilizabili pentru monede

Coins bags made of cordura material, 100% cotton material, TNT spunbond material. Closing system with Velcro, a lanyard, security seal or simple.Customization is provided.
Sacoșe din hârtie pentru farmacii - Acestea pot fi tipărite cu imaginea produselor farmaceutice în campanii publicit

Sacoșe din hârtie pentru farmacii - Acestea pot fi tipărite cu imaginea produselor farmaceutice în campanii publicit

Aplicabilitate: utilizat în principal în farmacii și de către companiile farmaceutice care doresc să își promoveze produsele. Producție: fabricat 100% automat cu aplicare controlată de adezivi industriali ecologici pe bază de apă. Personalizare: pot fi printate la cel mai înalt nivel de calitate în până la 10 culori liniare și/sau policrome, inclusiv cele speciale: auriu, argintiu metalic cu cerneală ecologică pe bază de apă. Rezoluția de imprimare poate ajunge cu ușurință la 300 dpi. Material: hârtie virgină albă sau kraft natur, sau cu un anumit procent de fibre reciclate, diverse grosimi (80-120 GSM), certificate FSC, EarthCare, ISO9001, ISO14001. Dimensiuni: producem de obicei zece dimensiuni care sunt „cele mai vândute” atât pe piețele UE, cât și pe cele din SUA. Dimensiunea cel mai frecvent solicitată este 230 x 100 x 300 mm. Capacitate de producție: peste 100 de milioane de bucăți anual. Doriți mostre și cotații de preț? Așteptăm cererea dumneavoastră.
Geantă de transport pentru carabină cu dispozitiv optic Nylo – 32456-04 n - HUSĂ DIN TEXTIL PENTRU ARMĂ

Geantă de transport pentru carabină cu dispozitiv optic Nylo – 32456-04 n - HUSĂ DIN TEXTIL PENTRU ARMĂ

Carbine carrying case with optical device made of nylon Cordura 600 laminated Panama fabric, military green color with reinforced handles inside with sponge, zipper closure, rings for carrying on the shoulder, velvet sponge inside 20 mm (123 cm * 25 cm)
Saci de transport din hârtie kraft - Echipat cu mânere plate extrem de rezistente, poate transporta 20 kg

Saci de transport din hârtie kraft - Echipat cu mânere plate extrem de rezistente, poate transporta 20 kg

Applicabilité: principalement utilisé dans les supermarchés. Production: fabrication 100% automatisée avec application contrôlée d'adhésifs industriels écologiques à base d'eau, extrêmement résistants. Personnalisation: ils peuvent être imprimés avec la plus haute qualité jusqu'à 10 couleurs linéaires et/ou polychromes, y compris les spéciales: or, argent métallisé avec une encre écologique à base d'eau. La résolution d'impression peut facilement atteindre 300 dpi. Matériau: papier vierge blanc ou kraft naturel, ou avec un certain pourcentage de fibres recyclées, différentes épaisseurs (70-120 GSM), certifié FSC, EarthCare, ISO9001, ISO14001. Tailles: Nous produisons généralement dix tailles qui sont les « best-sellers » sur les marchés de l'UE et des États-Unis. La taille la plus fréquemment demandée est de 320 x 160 x 400 mm, ce qui est également idéal pour la livraison de nourriture (Glovo, FoodPanda, Bolt, Sezamo, Tazz) Capacité de production: plus de 100 millions de pièces par an.
Saci de cumpărături pentru magazine de textile - O geantă personalizată premium, dar economică, pentru magazine respectabile

Saci de cumpărături pentru magazine de textile - O geantă personalizată premium, dar economică, pentru magazine respectabile

Applicability: mainly used in textile and shoe stores. Production: they are manufactured 100% automated with controlled application of ecological water-based industrial adhesives. Personalization: they can be printed at the highest level of quality in up to 10 linear colors and/or polychromes, including the special ones: gold, metallic silver with ecological water-based ink. Print resolution can easily reach 300 dpi. Material: white virgin paper or natural kraft, or with a certain percentage of recycled fibers, various thicknesses (80-120 GSM), certified FSC, EarthCare, ISO9001, ISO14001. Sizes: We typically produce ten sizes that are "best sellers" in both the EU and US markets. The most commonly requested size is 400 x 135 x 310 mm, which is also ideal for packing shoe boxes. Production capacity: more than 100 million pieces annually. Want samples and price quotes? We are waiting for your request.
Husă pentru cartușe din piele naturală italiană -32350-14 - HUSĂ PENTRU CARTUȘE

Husă pentru cartușe din piele naturală italiană -32350-14 - HUSĂ PENTRU CARTUȘE

Cartridge case made of natural Italian leather, vegetable tobacco, tobacco color, 30 projectiles for the carbine, belt with two types of adjustments, fully lined with velor leather, completely lined with leather
Pungi mici din hârtie pentru farmacii - Pentru ambalarea medicamentelor în lanțuri de retail și pentru distribuția farmaceutică

Pungi mici din hârtie pentru farmacii - Pentru ambalarea medicamentelor în lanțuri de retail și pentru distribuția farmaceutică

Alkalmazhatóság: lapos és táskás papírzacskók, amelyeket elsősorban gyógyszertárakban és a termékeiket népszerűsíteni kívánó gyógyszeripari vállalatok használnak. Gyártás: 100%-ban automatizáltan, környezetbarát, vízbázisú ipari ragasztók ellenőrzött alkalmazásával készül. Testreszabás: a legmagasabb minőségi színvonalon akár 10 lineáris és/vagy polikróm színben is nyomtathatók, beleértve a különleges színeket: arany, ezüstmetál, ökológiai vízbázisú tintával. A nyomtatási felbontás könnyen elérheti a 300 dpi-t. Anyag: fehér szűzpapír vagy természetes kraftpapír, vagy bizonyos százalékban újrahasznosított szálakkal, különböző vastagságban (80-120 GSM), FSC, EarthCare, ISO9001, ISO14001 tanúsítvánnyal. Méretek: Általában tíz méretet gyártunk, amelyek az EU és az USA piacán egyaránt "bestsellerek". A leggyakrabban kért méret a 120 x 190 mm, a 160 x 250 mm és a 175 x 65 x 285 mm. Gyártási kapacitás: évente több mint 500 millió darab.
Sac ventilat pentru produse proaspete - Pentru ambalarea cartofilor, cepei și fructelor care necesită ventilație.

Sac ventilat pentru produse proaspete - Pentru ambalarea cartofilor, cepei și fructelor care necesită ventilație.

Alkalmazhatóság: Szellőzést igénylő burgonya, hagyma, gyümölcsök csomagolásához. Termelés: Fenntartható nyersanyagokból 100%-ban automatizáltan gyártott. Személyre szabás: a legmagasabb minőségi szint, akár 10 színben és/vagy polikrómban, beleértve a különlegeseket: arany, fémezüst, ökológiai vízbázisú tintával. A nyomtatási felbontás könnyen elérheti a 300 dpi-t. Opciók: egyedi formájú terméknéző ablak, lezárható biológiailag lebomló PLA fóliával, hogy lehetővé tegye a szabályozott légkört igénylő termékek, pl. kekszek csomagolását. A könnyű szállítás érdekében fogantyúval is rendelkezhetnek. Anyag: speciális vízálló papír szellőzőnyílásokkal. Fehér vagy természetes erőspapír, különböző vastagságú (80-120 GSM), FSC, EarthCare, ISO9001, ISO14001 tanúsítvánnyal. A leggyakoribb méretek: 230 x 100 x 300 mm, 230 x 100 x 440 és 260 x 160 x 550 mm. Termelési kapacitás: évente több mint 75 millió darab. Mintákat és árajánlatokat szeretne? Várjuk az Ön kérését.
Husă pentru cartușe din piele naturală italiană - 32350-11 - HUSĂ PENTRU CARTUȘE

Husă pentru cartușe din piele naturală italiană - 32350-11 - HUSĂ PENTRU CARTUȘE

Cartridge case made of natural Italian leather, vegetable tanned, tobacco color, 30 16 caliber cartridges, belt with two types of adjustments, fully lined with velor leather, completely edged with leather.
Sac de cumpărături personalizat

Sac de cumpărături personalizat

Constructed with a blend of 70% recycled cotton and 30% recycled polyester, this bag stands as a lightweight eco-hero. Boasting a 180gsm feel, chic 65cm handles and spacious dimensions, it not only embraces sustainability but also introduces vibrant colors to uplift your day.
Caiet A4 Marquez

Caiet A4 Marquez

Introducing the Marquez A4 Notebook, an eco-conscious choice crafted from recycled paper. This hardcover notebook houses 240 recycled FSC 70gsm ivory colour lined pages, providing ample space for your notes and ideas. With a secure elastic closure, it ensures your thoughts are kept safe while maintaining a stylish appearance. The Marquez A4 Notebook is perfect for students, professionals, or anyone who values sustainability in their stationery.
Rucsac New York

Rucsac New York

Elevate your style with the New York Backpack, a waterproof 2-tone recycled nylon 20L backpack designed for the modern adventurer. It features a lateral dedicated padded compartment for a 15.6” laptop, waterproof zippers, and a front pocket for easy access. The New York Backpack is perfect for those who value both style and functionality in their everyday carry. By choosing the New York Backpack, you are supporting sustainable practices and reducing your environmental impact. Its thoughtful design and practical features make it suitable for various occasions, from daily commutes to weekend adventures. Elevate your travel experience with the New York Backpack, where style meets sustainability.
Geantă de sală

Geantă de sală

A gym bag is a must-have for anyone who works out regularly. It provides a convenient way to carry all of your essentials to and from the gym.
Rucsac Tallin

Rucsac Tallin

Navigate your day with ease using the Tallin Backpack, a ripstop-finished 600D rPET 23L backpack. It includes a dedicated back compartment for a 15.6” laptop and a spacious central compartment for your essentials. The sturdy top handle offers convenient carrying options, making it perfect for those on the go. By choosing the Tallin Backpack, you are supporting sustainable practices and making a positive impact on the environment. Its thoughtful design and practical features make it suitable for various occasions, from work to leisure. Elevate your travel experience with the Tallin Backpack, where style meets functionality.
Everest totebag

Everest totebag

The Everest Tote Bag is a lightweight eco-hero made from 70% recycled cotton and 30% recycled polyester. With a stylish 140gsm feel and generous dimensions, this bag is perfect for all your shopping needs. The vibrant colors brighten your day while promoting sustainability. Choose the Everest Tote Bag for a practical and eco-friendly option that supports responsible living. Embrace sustainable shopping with the Everest Tote Bag and carry your essentials in style.
Bangkok Cooler

Bangkok Cooler

Experience the convenience of our 12L recycled plastic cooler, designed for durability and eco-friendliness. This cooler features a handy transport strap for easy carrying, making it perfect for camping, beach outings, or any outdoor adventure. The included plate allows for customization, making it ideal for branding or personalization. The Bangkok Cooler is a blend of style and functionality, offering a reliable solution for keeping your refreshments cool on the go. Crafted from recycled materials, the Bangkok Cooler is an eco-conscious choice for those who care about the environment. Its durable construction ensures long-lasting performance, while the sleek design adds a touch of elegance to your outdoor gear. Whether you're planning a day at the beach or a weekend camping trip, this cooler will keep your drinks and snacks fresh and cool, providing a convenient and sustainable option for all your outdoor activities.
Macao Necesită de Toaletă

Macao Necesită de Toaletă

Effortlessly organize your essentials with the Macao Toiletry Bag, crafted from recycled leather. This bag features an expanding zipper that reveals two large compartments, providing ample space for all your toiletries. Its water-resistant surface adds durability, making it perfect for travel or daily use. The Macao Toiletry Bag comes packed in an individual biodegradable polybag, showcasing a commitment to sustainability.
Rucsac Galindo

Rucsac Galindo

Engineered with rPET, the Galindo Backpack blends sustainability and innovation. With a trolley strap for convenience and a hidden pocket for security, this 22L backpack offers ample storage with multi compartments for organization. Individually packaged in a recycled polybag, the Galindo Backpack is a stylish and eco-friendly choice for those on the go. By choosing the Galindo Backpack, you are supporting sustainable practices and reducing your environmental impact. Its thoughtful design and practical features make it suitable for various occasions, from work to leisure. Elevate your travel experience with the Galindo Backpack, where style meets functionality.
Rucsac Sydney

Rucsac Sydney

The Sydney Backpack is an rPET 18L backpack that embodies sustainability. It features one large main pocket and a dedicated laptop compartment with an integrated neoprene sleeve. On the outside, two reflective black bands enhance visibility, making it a safe choice for nighttime use. Both zippers are thermoinjected for added durability. By choosing the Sydney Backpack, you are supporting sustainable practices and making a positive impact on the environment. Its thoughtful design and practical features make it suitable for various occasions, from work to leisure. Elevate your travel experience with the Sydney Backpack, where style meets functionality.
Geantă Chimborazo

Geantă Chimborazo

Eco-conscious shopping is easy with the Chimborazo Tote Bag, crafted from a blend of 70% recycled cotton and 30% rPET. This bag features a durable cork bottom, 180 gsm weight, and comfortable 65 cm handles, making it a reliable choice for all your shopping needs. With dimensions of 40 x 38 x 8 cm, the Chimborazo Tote Bag is spacious enough to carry your essentials while promoting sustainability. Choose this tote bag to make a positive impact on the planet and enjoy a stylish accessory that supports eco-friendly living. Embrace responsible shopping with the Chimborazo Tote Bag.
Rucsac București

Rucsac București

The Bucharest Backpack is a versatile 18L backpack crafted from recycled polyester 600D, ensuring both durability and sustainability. It features a spacious main compartment, a dedicated laptop area, and back padding for comfort during long wear. The trolley strap allows for easy travel, making it an ideal choice for commuters and travelers alike. By choosing the Bucharest Backpack, you are making a statement about your commitment to sustainability. This backpack not only offers functionality but also reflects a modern lifestyle that values eco-friendly practices. With its stylish design and practical features, the Bucharest Backpack is perfect for anyone looking to combine style with environmental responsibility.
Pungi din hârtie kraft umflabile

Pungi din hârtie kraft umflabile

Inflatable Kraft Paper Bags Inflatable Kraft Paper Bags or Dunnage Bags that have the role of securing the products during the entire transport by occupying the empty spaces between the pallets of goods. The inflatable kraft bags are placed in the empty space and are inflated until the goods are fixed and there is no longer any risk of damage. They meet the highest quality requirements on the market and are very easy to recycle. The fact that the bags have several layers of high quality paper gives them a very good resistance. This type of inflatable bag can be made of 2 or 4 layers of paper. Multi-layer kraft paper inflatable bags have a remarkable ability to stabilize pallets, thus resisting tons of pressure. The bags are made of two layers of stretchable and high resistance kraft paper. The inner lining is made of coextruded polyethylene film for additional protection against loss of air pressure. Inflatable bags made of 2-layer kraft paper:
Pungi și Huse Anticorozive VCI

Pungi și Huse Anticorozive VCI

VCI Anti-Corrosion Bags and Covers VCI Corrosion Protection Bags and Covers ensure protection against metal oxidation by creating a protective layer on the metal surface. Due to the anti-corrosion additive added directly to the product, packaging in VCI bags has the property of protecting products from corrosion in a very efficient way. The additive is released gradually, forming a protective film that reaches all cavities or hard-to-reach places. VCI - PE bags are a recyclable, eco-friendly packaging that does not affect human health, nature or water. VCI bags for protection against corrosion are available either on the roll or individually per piece and are packed and delivered in boxes. The VCI bags per roll have a thickness of 70 my and on 1 roll there are a number of bags as follows: – 790 x 580 x 137 mm 100 bags per roll;


LDPE bags LDPE Resistant Bags are products of low-density, medium-density or high-density polyethylene. The bags are usually produced transparent, but at the customer's request they can be produced in any color. LDPE polyethylene bags have a wide range of applications, from the packaging of textile articles, electronics, IT components, light furniture elements or other light industrial landmarks. SPECIFICATIONS: Ideal bags for heavier objects; For warehouse, office and industrial use; They can be sealed by hot pressing, they can be tied; Polyethylene bags are ideal for warehouses, offices and industrial applications. These bags have medium resistance and are suitable for heavier objects and products with irregular shapes due to th
Pistol pentru Umflat Sacii MI 02

Pistol pentru Umflat Sacii MI 02

BI 13 Bag Inflator Gun This BI 13 Bag Inflator Gun is specially designed to inflate polypropylene and kraft paper inflatable bags. Features: - Charging time: 4h; - Low weight due to the aluminum body; - Resistant; - Requires a compressor for operation; - Easy to operate.
Pistol de Umflat Sacii BI 13

Pistol de Umflat Sacii BI 13

Gun for Inflating Bags BI 13 This BI 13 Bag Inflator Gun is specially designed to inflate polypropylene and kraft paper inflatable bags, as it presents a high-speed air flow. Features: - Charging time: 4h; -Power: Li-ion, 1 * 3000mAh; -Maximum air volume: 2.6 m3 / min; -1 pc 5A, 18 Volt battery and 1 pc charger; - Low pressure below 1 psi.
Pungi din polietilenă expandată PEE

Pungi din polietilenă expandată PEE

PEE Expanded Polyethylene bags PEE bags are ideal for the easy protection of small and medium products, protecting against shocks, scratches and dust. The fields of application vary: from moving and storing household goods, to industrial components for transport. The expanded polyethylene bags are 0.5 - 2 mm thick (pressed sponge type), they are light and insulating. Due to its excellent thermal and acoustic properties, expanded polyethylene is widely used in the production of complex industrial products. Expanded polyethylene is produced in the form of plates, rolls, sheets or bags. The PEE bag is resistant to aging and to the action of chemical compounds (acids, bases, salts, thinners, petroleum products). The color of the pee bags is white, but it can be colored upon request. Specifications: Protects surfaces against scratches; Two layers; Non-abrasive material, expanded polyethylene, PEE; Non-slip to resist movement; Custom sizes available to accommodate a wide range of products;
Sacii din polipropilenă umflabili

Sacii din polipropilenă umflabili

Inflatable Polypropylene Bags Inflatable Bags or Dunnage Bags that have the role of occupying the empty spaces between the cargo pallets and the means of transport such as: container, truck, ship or train. The bags offer protection to the products, because they are placed in this empty space and inflate until the moment the goods are fixed and there is no longer any risk of damage. They meet the highest quality requirements on the market. Depending on the strength of the material, PP bags are classified on several levels. The higher the level that characterizes them, the stronger the material used for the inner and outer layers. Polypropylene bags are resistant to chemicals and sea water. Moreover, they are easier to recycle. Unlike the bags made of kraft paper, the PP bags have an inner lining that must not be separated